CHRIS GLOFF is currently an honors student at Loyola University Chicago studying Digital Broadcasting Media in the School of Communications. He is currently working as an anchor, on-air talent, field producer and editor for the Rambler Sports Locker. In September 2023 he was awarded National Academy of Television Arts & Science's Mike Wallace Memorial Scholarship at the 44th Annual News & Doc Emmys in NYC. He was also named the 2023 Indiana State Journalist of the Year by the Indiana High School Press Association. While a student at Crown Point High School, he served as a senior anchor, producer, writer, videographer, director, editor and on-air talent for CPHS's media program, Crown Town Media. Home to CPTV News and, CTM is the 2022 Indiana School Broadcasters Association (IASB) "Radio School of the Year" and was awarded the National Student Production Award by the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (NATAS) for their TV newcast, CPTV News QuickCUT. While at CPHS, Gloff was a two sport letterman in baseball and tennis and currently plays for the Loyola Club Baseball team. He knows the importance of working in teams and has always enjoyed competing with others.
Inspired by Frederick Buechner's belief a person's vocation is often discovered when their great passions intersect with the world's deep needs, Gloff hopes his abilities and love for broadcasting allow him to listen and learn from other’s stories, give a voice to the silenced and advocate for truth. A few years ago, American filmmaker Ava DuVernay tweeted, "If your dream only includes you, it's too small." With this in mind, Gloff seeks opportunities to work within healthy teams of people, both in the newsroom and on the playing field, in creating a spirit conducive to learning, collaboration and communal growth. In a word, he seeks to make the dream BIG.